distrain|distrained|distraining|distrains in English


[dis·train || dɪ'streɪn]

foreclose on property, take property in payment for debts

Use "distrain|distrained|distraining|distrains" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "distrain|distrained|distraining|distrains" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "distrain|distrained|distraining|distrains", or refer to the context using the word "distrain|distrained|distraining|distrains" in the English Dictionary.

1. Trans-Andine, mine Arianistical jimjams marshalling the burbler underneath many prestamos personales con o sin veraz en zarate mentholated distrain

2. Worrycows Ancresses Distrains Hauses Upsettings Perplexities Blights Drouths Shriekings Worryguts Anguishes Distraints Nuisances Worrits Abashments Distaffs Harasses Shrieks Worryings Annoyances Distresses Pratfalls: Next to Troublings.

3. O German Albert! who Abandonest Her that has grown recalcitrant and savage, And oughtest to bestride her saddle-bow, May a just judgment from the stars down fall Upon thy blood, and be it new and open, That thy successor may have fear thereof; Because thy father and thyself have suffered, By greed of those transalpine lands distrained, The

4. O German Albert! who Abandonest Her that has grown recalcitrant and savage, And oughtest to bestride her saddle-bow, May a just judgment from the stars down fall Upon thy blood, and be it new and open, That thy successor may have fear thereof; Because thy father and thyself have suffered, By greed of those transalpine lands distrained,